PhD in Art Studies, Professor, Vice-Rector
In 1993, she graduated from the faculty of musicology of the Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatory, and in 1997 she graduated from the faculty of composition and musicology, specializing in music theory.
In 1997, at the Shota Rustaveli State Institute of Theater and Cinema of Georgia, she defended his dissertation on the topic: “Divine Liturgy in the Georgian practice of worship (musical-liturgical aspect)” and was awarded the degree of Candidate of Arts Studies.
Since 1997, she has been working in the following positions at the Tbilisi State Conservatory named after Vano Sarajishvili: 1997-1999. — researcher-collaborator of the Department of Music Theory; 2000-2005 — Teacher of the Department of Music Theory; 2001-2005 – senior teacher; In 2005, she was elected to the position of docent; she has been an associate professor since the same year. 2005-2013 — Deputy Head of Quality Assurance Service, and since 2013 — Head of Service. From 2011 till now she is an Accreditation expert of Higher Educational Programs, and in 2011-2020 was a member of the HE Accreditation council. In 2014-2019 Tamar Chkheidze was a head of the Ecclesiastic Musicology direction. She served as the dean of The University of Chant of Giorgi Mtatsmindeli from 2019 until September 2, 2024 and has been the Vice-Rector of the same institution from September 2, 2024. She has been an academic professor since 2021.
- Orthodox liturgy and Catholic mass, common and distinguishing features, collection of scientific works of Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatory, Tbilisi, 1994.
- Compositional features of the Georgian Orthodox liturgy, Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, No. 3, Tbilisi, 1997.
- “Dialogue principle” in worship, its role, functions in liturgy, collection of scientific works of Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatory, Tbilisi, 1997.
- About the functions of the parishioners and singers participating in the liturgy, “Patriarch of Georgia”, No. 1, Tbilisi, 1998.
- The musical side of the ritual of the offering of holy gifts in Eastern and Western religious practice, “Art”, No. 3, Tbilisi, 1998.
- Structural and intonation features of liturgy hymns (according to musical notes made at the end of the 19th century), materials of the scientific conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Music Theory, Tbilisi, 1998.
- Chanting and its role in Christian liturgical rituals, materials of the conference of young scientists dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the foundation of Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatory, Tbilisi, 1999.
- For the problem of the relationship between music and speech in Georgian hymns (on the example of hymns of the IV voice of Tropar), the collection of scientific works of the Tbilisi State Conservatory named after Vano Sarajishvili, Tbilisi, 2000.
- Georgian church hymn — an independent part of Christian culture, “Christianity and problems of cultural history”, materials of the conference, Tbilisi, 2000.
- From the history of Georgian singing, “Patriarch of Georgia”, No. 4, Tbilisi, 2001.
- Festive troparion and its compositional features, collection of scientific works of Tbilisi State Conservatory named after Vano Sarajishvili, Tbilisi, 2001.
- Peculiarities of the musical composition of the Orthodox liturgy and the Catholic Mass (comparative analysis), polyphonic problems of sacred and secular music, materials of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of Christ’s birth and the 300th anniversary of Georgia’s statehood, Tbilisi, 2001.
- Georgian hymn in the context of general Christian and national culture, “Georgian church hymn, nation and tradition”, scientific conference materials, Tbilisi, 2001.
- Lists of Chrelians preserved in Georgian manuscripts of the XVII-XVIII centuries, “Belief and Knowledge”, Tbilisi, 2001-2002.
- Chrel system in Georgian choral practice (co-author M. Andriadze), materials of the first international symposium on traditional polyphony, Tbilisi, 2002.
- Materials of the second international symposium on traditional polyphony, Tbilisi, 2004.
- Eight sound systems in the lists of Chrelas, “Christianity in our life: past, present and future”, materials of the second international symposium, Tbilisi, 2005.
- System “Чрели” в цервконом пении, Scientific review, issue 88, vol. 2. Early music-contemporary outlook. Collection of articles. Kyiv, 2007.
- Kilo-modes in Georgian church hymns, materials of the fourth international symposium on traditional polyphony, Tbilisi, 2010.
- Georgian church chant as a self-contained tradition of Christian culture, “Life through tourism – countries, history, cultural tourism”, materials of the international conference, Tbilisi, 2010.
- Revealing the peculiarities of modal thinking in Georgian hymns, collection of scientific works of Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatory, Tbilisi, 2013.
- Georgian ecclesiastical chanting as the original tradition of the Christian culture. International conference materials -“Life by tourism way- countries, history, cultural tourism “, Tbilisi, Apolon Kutateladze Tbilisi State Academy of Fine Arts, 2013.
- Explanatory Dictionary of Chanting Terms (Co-author David Shugliashvili). TSC. Tbilisi. 2015.
- “Melos” Type of polyphony on the example of east and west church music some traditions. International Scientific Conference “The issues of folk and church music performing”. Articles. Batumi Art State University. 2016.
- The Georgian hymnody (co-author Ekaterine Oniani). The Canterbury E-Dictionary of Hymnology. 2016.
- The 8th International Symposium of Traditional Polyphony. Cadmus Journal. N. 8, 2016.
- The Role and Function of a cantus firmus in the Church Polyphony . Karadeniz Technical University State Conservatory, 2nd International Music and dance Studies Symposium “Memory and Cultural Heritage”. Matterials. 2017.
- “Melos” concept of polyphony and forms of its revealing in old Georgian professional music. Musicology & Cultural Science . Vol. 16 Issue 2, p.39-47, 2017.
- Attitude of modality, improvisation and variance in the Georgian ecclesiastical chants. 2nd International Scientific Conference “Culture and Art: Research and Management” Conference materials. © The Batumi Art State Teaching University Publishing House. ISBN 978-9941-9404-9-1, 2017.
- “Chreli” – The Original System of Musical Writing. Chapter in book. Studies of Georgian Church Music. Warszawa. PWN, 2018.
- Georgian Chanting. The Chant Collection. Georgian Chants from the Middle Ages. Selected Pieces. PWN, 2018.
- Interrelation of Multipart Structure and Harmony regularities in Georgian Sacred Chants and Folk Music Examples. The Ninth International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Proceedings, 23 October – 3 November. Tbilisi, Georgia, © 2018.
- Issue of Defining Mode Type in Modal System (On example of the Georgian Chant). International Scientific Conference “Culture and Art in Contemporary Context. Proceedings of the conference, Batumi, 2019.
- Middle Ages Georgian and European chanting tradition (Mode system and its development). 20th Century Art – Europe and Georgian Culture. The publishing of Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgia State University. ISBN 978-9941-9706-4-1 (Volume X), 2020.
- About the Terms and Performing Forms of the Chant Kept in the Typicon of Shiomghvime Monastry. International Scientific Conference „Culture and Art in Contemporary Context“, conference materials. © The Batumi Art State Teaching University Publishing House, 2019 ISBN 978-9941-9519-0-9, 2020.
- Revealing of National Identity in Liturgical Music (At the Example of Georgian Ecclesiastical Chant); Etnološko-antropološke sveske . Issue 31. Belgrade, 2020.
- Some Peculiarities of the Musical System of Georgian Ecclesiastical Chanting; წიგნში – Music – The Cultural Bridge. Essence, Contexts, References. The Karol Lipiński Academy of Music in Wrocław. Edited by Aleksandra Pijarowska et al. © Copyright by the Karol Lipiński Academy of Music in Wrocław, ISBN 978–83–65473–23–3, 2021.
- Musical Integrity of the Liturgy Musical cycle (on the example of Georgian Liturgical Practice). Book-Culture and art in contemporary context. Batumi, 2021.
- Georgian Women and Georgian Liturgical Chant. The book – Women’s Role in UNESCO-recognized European Traditional Singing Practice. Tbilisi, 2022.
- Chrestomathy in Harmony. TSC. Tbilisi (Co-authors I. Jgenti, M. Nadareishvili). 2022.
- Monograph -The Ornamented Chreli Chants in Georgian Chanting. Giorgi Mtatsmindeli University of Chant. Tbilisi, 2022.
- Mnemonic formulas – The Main Organizer of the Musical System in the Georgian Chanting Tradition. Anzor Erkomaishvili and Historical Trends in Study of Georgian Traditional and Sacred Music. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2023.
1. Scientific conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Music Theory, Tbilisi, 1998.
2. Conference of young scientists dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the foundation of Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatory, Tbilisi, 1999.
3. Scientific conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of G. Orjonikidze’s birth “Music in the context of culture”, Tbilisi, 1999.
4. International scientific conference dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of Christ and the 3000th anniversary of Georgia’s statehood, Tbilisi, 2001.
5. “Christianity and problems of cultural history”, Scientific Conference of I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, 2001.
6. Georgian church hymn, nation and tradition — problems”, International Scientific conference of Javakhishvili Institute of History and Ethnology, Tbilisi, 2001.
7. VIII Republican Scientific Conference of Georgian Professors, Tbilisi, 2001.
8. The first international symposium of traditional polyphony, Tbilisi, 2002.
9. Second International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi, 2004.
10. Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatory Scientific Conference “One Century of Georgian Singing (1801-1921), Tbilisi, 2005.
11. “Christianity in our life: past, present and future”, Second International Symposium, Tbilisi, 2005.
12. Fourth International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi, 2008.
13. International conference dedicated to the memory of D. Voznesensky “Ancient music – modern vision”, Ukraine, 2008.
14. Batumi V International Festival of Folklore and Sacred Music, Batumi, 2009.
15. “Life through tourism – countries, history, cultural tourism”, international conference, Tbilisi, 2010.
16. Conference of the Department of Music Theory of Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatory, Tbilisi, 2012.
17. VII Batumi International Festival of Folklore and Sacred Music, Batumi, 2012.
18. Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatory Conference “Church Chant – Tradition, Canon, Performance”, Tbilisi, 2013.
19. Giorgi Garakanidze VIII International Festival and conference of Folk and Sacred Music. Batumi, Art Teaching University, 2013.
20. 42-nd Medieval and Renaissance Music International Conference, Birmingham university, 2014.
21. Conference Dedicated to Prof. Manana Andriadze: Problems of church music and music theory. Tbilisi State Conservatoire, 2014.
22. International conference: “Culture and art: tradition and modernity”. Batumi Art University, 2014.
23. Republic methodological conference “Teaching methodology of musicological subjects”. Tbilisi State Conservatoire, 2014.
24. Tbilisi International Musicological Conference “Musical identity and cultural crossroad”. Tbilisi State Conservatoire, 2015.
25. International scientific conference “Performing problems of folk and church music”. Batumi Art University, 2015.
26. International scientific conference “Culture and Art: research and management”. Batumi Art University, 2015.
27. The joint scientific conference of the church music and music theory department of the Tbilisi State Conservatoire, dedicated to the memory of Manana Andriadze, Tbilisi State Conservatoire, 2015.
28. Annual International conference – The Medieval and Renaissance music conference. Brussels, Leuven University, 2015.
29. Giorgi Garakanidze X International Festival and conference of Folk and Sacred Music. Batumi, Art Teaching University, 2015.
30. International scientific conference “Performing problems of folk and church music”. Batumi Art University, 2016.
31. Conference Dedicated to Prof. Manana Andriadze: “Problems of church music and music theory”. Tbilisi State Conservatoire, 2016.
32. Annual International conference – The Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference. Sheffield, Great Britain, University of Sheffield, 2016.
33. The Eighth International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi State Conservatoire, 2016.
34. International conference on Orthodox Church Music “Ars Nova East and West”, Prague, Charles University, 2016.
35. 2nd International Music and dance Studies Symposium “Memory and Cultural Heritage”, Karadeniz Technical University State Conservatory, Trabzon, 2016.
36. Giorgi Garakanidze XI International Festival and conference of Folk and Sacred Music. Batumi, Art Teaching University, 2016.
37. International scientific conference “Culture and Art: research and management”. Batumi Art University, 2017.
38. Tbilisi second international musicological conference “Musical challenges and perspectives”, Batumi, Art Teaching University, 2017.
39. Annual International conference – The Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference. 2017. Prague. Institute of Musicology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. 2017.
40. The Ninth International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi, 2018.
41. Giorgi Garakanidze XIII International Festival and conference of Folk and Sacred Music. Batumi, Art Teaching University, 2018.
42. Conference Dedicated to Prof. Manana Andriadze: “Problems of church music and music theory”. Tbilisi State Conservatoire, 2018.
43. Annual International conference – The Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference. 2018. Dublin, Maynooth University, 2018.
44. International scientific conference “Culture and Art in the context of modernity”. Batumi, Art University, 2019.
45. International conference Modality in Music (6th-7th March), Lodz Musical academy (Poland), 2019.
46. The Ninth International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi State Conservatoire, 2019.
47. Giorgi Garakanidze XIV International Festival and conference of Folk and Sacred Music. Batumi, Art University, 2019.
48. 8th International Musicological Conference “Musical and Cultural Osmoses in the Balkans”. Bucharest, Music Academy, 2019.
49. International Symposium – “Music and Science”, April 17th -19th, 2019. Istanbul, ITU. 2019.
50. The 12th International Conference of Arts Researchers -Europe and Georgian Culture. Tbilisi, 2019.
51. Third Tbilisi International Musicological Conference (TIMC) – “Musicology with and without Borders”, 2-3 May, 2019.
52. 47th Med-Ren Music Conference, Basel Music Academy, 2019.
53. Giorgi Garakanidze XV International Festival and conference of Folk and Sacred Music. Batumi, Art University, 2020.
54. International Online Conference Music – the Cultural Bridge– Essence, Contexts, References. NAWA. Wroclaw Music academy, (online), 2020.
55. Edinburgh Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference 2020– Virtual Med-Ren. Edinburgh University (online), 2020.
56. The 13th International Conference of Arts Researchers ART AND MODERNITY (online), Tbilisi, 2020.
57. The 10th Anniversary International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony (0nline), Tbilisi, 2020.
58. The International Conference dedicated to 100 years since the establishment of the National Archives of Georgia and 300 years since the birth of the King Erekle II – Archival Studies, Source Studies – Trends and Challenges (online), Tbilisi, 2020.
59. Tbilisi 4th International conference – “national and international in music”, (online), Tbilisi, 2021.
60. Scientific conference dedicated to the 150 anniversary of Zakaria Paliashvili, Batumi Art University, 2021.
61. The scientific Conference Dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of Manana Andriadze, Tbilisi State Conservatoire, 2021.
62. Giorgi Garakanidze XVI International Festival and conference of Folk and Sacred Music. Batumi, Art University, 2021.
63. Scientific conference “Change of generations”. Kutaisi, 2022.
64. The 5th International Scientific Conference “Culture and art in contemporary context”, Batumi Art University, 2022.
65. 50th Medieval and Renaissance International Music Conference –Med-Ren 2022. Uppsala, 2022.
66. The 11th International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi, 2022.
67. Giorgi Garakanidze XVII International Festival and conference of Folk and Sacred Music. Batumi, Art University, 2022.
68. Scientific conference “Change of generations”. Kutaisi, 2023.
69. Tbilisi 5th International conference – “Interdisciplinary perspectives in musicology”, Tbilisi State Conservatoire, 2023.
70. 51st Medieval and Renaissance International Music Conference –Med-Ren. Munich, 2023.