Archimandrite Ioane (Silevan) Kikvadze
Born on 1st January 1950 in Kobuleti district.
Graduated from the Directing & Acting Faculty of Shota Rustaveli Theatrical Institute.
Work Experience:
In 1967-1968 he worked at the factory of tires in town Makharadze (now Ozurgeti).
In 1968-1987 he was the chief director as well as actor of the State Drama Theatre of town Makharadze.
In 1987-1990 – artistic director as well as actor of Zugdidi State Theatre.
Spiritual Experience:
Since 1989 he went as an obedient to Shio Mgvime Monastery. He also was a psalm-reader of Shemokmedi Church;
In 1991 he was first made a deacon, then a priest. In 1995 he received the degree of a protoiereus (arch-priest);
On 23rd November 1993, at the celebration of Giorgoba, he was appointed as the leader of the church acting in Saingilo, Kakhi district;
In 1999 he was appointed as a priest of Blue Monastery in Tbilisi;
On 12th July 2007 he took a vow of monk and was appointed as a leader of St. David Garejeli Monastery of Mtatsminda;
He is awarded a mitre, a golden cross and the right to carry the second cross as well.
E-mail: rector@galoba.edu.ge
Secretary of the Rector: Sopiko Beraia
Cell phones: 593 32 77 79, 599 72 89 48
E-mail: sophikoberaia@galoba.edu.ge