Giorgi Mtatsmindeli University of Chant hosts the Student Conference “Issues of Musicology and Ethnology”.

9-10 June 2025, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Submission deadline: 20 April 2025.

An annual hybrid format scientific conference of students “Issues of Musicology and Ethnology” will be held at the University of Chant, dedicated to the memory of the famous Georgian musicologist, Professor Manana Andriadze.

The conference accepts abstracts from BA, MA, and PhD levels and early career scholars. This year’s conference theme is free. We welcome contributions from all research areas within the field of musicology and ethnology.

We invite proposal for Individual papers (max. 30 minutes) with both format In-person and online. Proposals should include a title and an abstract of no more than 250 words.

Abstracts are to be sent to this e-mail:

Please also fill out the following registration form:

The deadline for submission is 20 April, 2025, 23:59. 

The submitted work must be in English.

Authors of accepted abstracts will be informed before 5 May 2025.

There is no registration fee for online participants.

For questions or additional information, please contact: